Ich habe sie nicht wirklich gekannt, aber den Text der nc im Paket finde ich hier sehr schön und poste ihn hier für ihre Freunde.
Alle Einnahmen durch das Set gehen an eine wohltätige Stiftung.
Minnie.... she was kind..full of adventure, fun to be with, she spoke her mind, always tried her best to please others. she give advice to those who needed it. but also she had a sting to her, meaning she had some spunk in her..she not back down from much, always thinking ..was a good friend to have on your side ! and always there when you need her..
Note from Store:
We all lost a really good friend. was ot allways in the same mind, sometimes we strugle a bit BUT in once we tought its a great way to Honor a beloved friend:
THIS WEAPON SET its made to honor a beloved friend
Rest in Peace lovely Minnie
New weapons
*AD* Memorial of Minnie Set BoXeD v. 1.5
*AD* Minnies Bow of Life
*AD* Minnies Head Crusher 35% and 40%
*AD* Minnies Protector Shield
for GM, GLM, ML, COLLISION, DCS2 and more....
RYL Caste Trikini fitted for Lara & Classic