Ich wünsche viel Spaß mit RYL Easter Ostern 2016 (40 Lindens) inworld direkt bei mir oder Altstadt, oder chained dreams und Tempel erhältlich. buy it here maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/KURONI%20NEO/72/190/25 maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Candy%20Isle/46/76/30 maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/KURONI%20NEO/197/85/31 maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Wood%20Island/199/108/4001 I wear:
From the "Tea Party" AsHmOoT_Characters Coll_The White Bunny Insp. (199 Lindens).
U can buy it here
and many other nice things.
The skin is one of two colours in one pack. These skin and a Nymphe tone. The Tatoo have both. They are beautiful made like always by October Bouvier. Its a free group gift (group cost 250 Lindens)
O4S - March Group Gift - Center of Attention Package (Boxed)

Rose at Sci-Fi Alliance SL Con march 2016
The Con ends today. Iám only short there. But look here is a hunt where u can get free droids etc. But also normal frees like this Mecha. Many of the important Universes u can find here. <a href="http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Trenzalore/42/222/1002" rel="nofollow">maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Trenzalore/42/222/1002</a> have fun